June 16, 2017|0 comments

How Entrepreneur Dads Juggle Business & Fatherhood

Finding a job to pay the bills? Not always as easy as it might seem. Running a company? Probably not a walk in the park. Building a business from scratch? Really, really hard. But building a business from scratch, while juggling the responsibilities of being a good father? That’s a big challenge. This Father’s Day, we decided to sit down with a few

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April 4, 2017|0 comments

Miami: The Singapore of the West?

What global city is home to the second largest port in the world, 3700 American businesses, but spans only 255 square miles? Singapore. A city, country and region that former United States Ambassador to Singapore Kirk Wagar says Americans should be thinking more about. View from the East Ambassador Wagar, who served under President Barack Obama, spok

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